Flora and fauna

The timing of our visit could not have been better - the flowers in the hills and on the headlands were magnificent. Wild iris and poppies were the most common and hte most beautiful. There were also many birds, the hills were full of lizards and the lakes had newts. We missed seeing any otters, despite trying hard; Terry saw them on his visit! See his photos here.
5D3 8793 5D3 8794 5D3 8797 Roys Redwoods Roys Redwoods
Roys Redwoods Roys Redwoods 5D3 8832 5D3 8835 5D3 8836
5D3 8837 5D3 8839 5D3 8840 5D3 8843 5D3 8845
5D3 8846 5D3 8847 5D3 8848 5D3 8850 5D3 8851
5D3 8852 5D3 8853 5D3 8854 5D3 8857 5D3 8858
5D3 8859 Acorn woodpecker Acorn woodpecker Acorn woodpecker Acorn woodpecker
5D3 8869 5D3 8883 5D3 8884 5D3 8886 5D3 8896
5D3 8897 5D3 8899 5D3 8901 5D3 8907 5D3 8909
5D3 8913 5D3 8917 5D3 8919 5D3 8920 5D3 8927
5D3 8933 5D3 8940 5D3 8941 5D3 8942 5D3 8943
5D3 8950 5D3 8951 5D3 8960 5D3 8962 5D3 8964
5D3 8965 5D3 8973 5D3 8975 5D3 8976 5D3 8977
5D3 8978 5D3 8979 5D3 8980 5D3 8981 5D3 8987
5D3 8988 5D3 8989 5D3 8992 5D3 8993 5D3 8994
5D3 9009 5D3 9032 5D3 9060 5D3 9065 5D3 9066
5D3 9077 5D3 9078 5D3 9079 5D3 9080 5D3 9082
5D3 9083 5D3 9085 5D3 9088 5D3 9089 5D3 9091
5D3 9092 5D3 9094 5D3 9107-1 5D3 9108-1 5D3 9118
5D3 9124 5D3 9126 5D3 9129 5D3 9130